Weiterführende Literatur im Kontext der HMIS2030

Die Literaturliste wurde gemeinsam mit unseren Stakeholdern im Zuge der Nationalen Hochschulmobilitäts- und Internationalisierungsstrategie 2020-2030 erarbeitet. 


Haben Sie noch Literaturanregungen? Schicken Sie uns ein E-Mail an hmis2030@oead.at.  


Literatur Media


Aerden, A. (2015) An introduction to international and intercultural learning outcomes  ECA Occasional Paper - The Hague: ECA.


Aerden, A. (2017) The guide to quality in internationalisation 2nd Edition The Hague: ECA.


Beelen, J. (2017) The missing link in internationalization:  Developing the skills of lecturers  ZFHE, 12:4, 133-150.


Brandenburg, U., de Wit, H., Jones, E., Leask, B. & Drobner, A. (2020) Internationalisation in Higher Education for Society (IHES). Concept, current research and examples of good practice (DAAD Studies). Bonn: DAAD.


Brandenburg, U., de Wit, H., Jones, E. & Leask, B. (2019) Defining internationalisation in HE for society. University World News.


Brandenburg, U. et al. (2014) The Erasmus impact study. The effect of mobility on the skills and employability and the internationalization of higher education institutions  Brussels: European Commission.


Bridger, K. (2015) Academic perspectives on the outcomes of outward student mobility ZFHE, 12:4, 151-166.


Bulnes, C. & De Louw, E. (2017) Strengthening the intercultural competence continuum: Interventions to enhance staff engagement  ZFHE, 12:4, 151-166.


Casper-Hehne, H., Reiffenrath, T., & Dengel, B. (2021). Internationalisierung der Lehre „Zuhause“: Ein Change Management Prozess am Beispiel der Universität Göttingen. In: Cai, J., Lackner, H., Wang, Q. (eds) Jahrbuch Angewandte Hochschulbildung 2019. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.


Coelen, R., van der Hoek, K.W. & Blom, H. (Hg.) (2017) Valorisation of Internationalisation. Stenden Hogeschool.


Crawford, I., Fowler, J., Doscher, S. & Haug, E. (2021) Enhancing global learning and intercultural competence through VE/COIL: lessons from the field. 9 February 2021, [virtual conference]. Hosted on ACENET [online].


Curaj, Adrian, Deca, Ligia, Pricopie, Remus (Hg.) (2020) European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade. Springer Verlag.


Cushing, D.F. Pennings, M. ,Willox, D., Gomez, R., Dyson, C. & Coombs, C. (2017) Measuring intangible outcomes can be problematic: The challenge of assessing learning during international short-term study experiencesActive Learning in higher education.


de Wit, H., & Jones, E. (2022) A Missed Opportunity and Limited Vision for Internationalization. International Higher Education, (109), 5-6.


de Wit, H., Hunter, F., Howard, L., & Egron-Polak, E. (2015) Internationalization of higher education Brussels: European Parliament.


de Hei, M. & Tabacaru, C., Ellen, S., Rippe, R.  & Walenkamp, J. (2019). Developing Intercultural Competence Through Collaborative Learning in International Higher Education. Journal of Studies in International Education.


EADTU (2019) Innovative models for collaboration and student mobility in Europe: Results of EADTU’s task force and peer learning activity on virtual mobility (PPP).


Ehlers, U.D. & Kellermann, S.A. (2019) Future Skills - The future of learning and higher education. Results of the international future skills Delphi surveyKarlsruhe.


EUA (2020) International strategic institutional partnerships and the European Universities Initiative. Brussels: EUA.


EUA (2020) Internationalisation in learning and teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report. Learning & Teaching Paper #9. Brussels: EUA.


European Commission (2019a) Erasmus+ higher education impact study Brussels: European Union.


European Commission (2019b) Study on the impact of Erasmus+ higher education Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Alliances at local, national and European levels on key higher education policy priorities Brussels: European Union.


Ferencz, I., Hauschildt K. & Garam, I. (Hg) (2013) Mobility Windows from concept to practice. ACA Papers on international cooperation in education.  Bonn: Lemmens Medien GmbH.


Haug, E. (2017) Examples and Outcomes of Embedding Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) in the Curriculum. In: Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education: 7th edition. Padova. Libreria universitaria. 253-255.


Henderikx, P. & Ubachs, G. (2018) EADTU Mobility Matrix  Maastricht: EADTU.


Jones, E. (2022) Problematizing the Idea of Curriculum ‘Internationalization’. Journal of International Students, 12(1), i-v.


Jones E., Coelen, R. J., Beelen &  de Wit, H. (Eds.) (2016) Global and Local Internationalization. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Kennedy, D. (2007) Writing and using learning outcomes: A practical guide. Cork: UCC.


Kirk, S., Newstead, C., Gann, R. & Rounsaville, C. (2018) Empowerment and ownership in effective internationalisation of higher education  In: Higher Education, 76, 989-1005 .


Kouwenaar, K. (2015) Changing Paradigms: towards Competency-Assessment in Admission to master’s Programmes in Europe: A Review. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 3 (1), 99-135.


Lauren N. Duffy, Garrett A. Stone, Jasmine Townsend & Jamie Cathey (2022) Rethinking Curriculum Internationalization: Virtual Exchange as a Means to Attaining Global Competencies, Developing Critical Thinking, and Experiencing Transformative Learning. SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 37:1-2, 11-25.


Leask, B., Jones, E. & de Wit, H. (2018) Towards inclusive intercultural learning for all  University World News Global Edition, 532 (7 December 2018).


Mallow, S., Toman, I. & van’t Land, H. (2022) Higher Education and the 2030 Agenda: Moving into the ‘Decade of Action and Delivery for the SDGs’. IAU Report.


Marinoni, G. (2019) Internationalization of Higher Education: An Evolving Landscape, Locally and Globally. IAU 5th Global Survey. Executive Summary.


Marinoni, G., Egron-Polak, E. & Green, M. (2019) A changing view of the benefits of HE internationalisation. University World News.


McKinnon, S. Principles of an internationalised curriculum  Global Perspectives Project, Caledonian Glasgow University.


Messelinka,A., Van Maele, J.  & Spencer-Oatey, H. (2015) Intercultural competencies: what students in study and placement mobility should be learning. Intercultural Education online.


Meyer-Guckel, V., Klier, J. Kirchherr, J. & Winde, M. (2019) Future Skills: Strategische Potenziale für Hochschulen. Essen: Stifterverband .


Nixon, P.G., Dennen, V.P., & Rawal, R. (Eds.). (2021). Reshaping International Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Universities in the Information Age (1st ed.): Routledge.


Rawal, Rajash & Deardorff, D. (2021) Intercultural competences for all. In: Intercultural Competence in higher education. International Approaches, Assessment and Application London: Routledge.


Rajagopala, K., Firssovac, O., Op de Beeckb, I., Van der Stappenb, E., Stoyanovc, S., Henderikx, P. & Buchem, I. (2020) Learner skills in open virtual mobility. Research in Learning Technology, 28:28.


Sandström, A.-M. & Hudson, R. (2019) The EAIE Barometer Internationalisation in Europe: Signposts of Success.


Scheltinga, E., de Louw, E., & Bulnes, C. (2017) The added value of an intentional training: Assessing intercultural sensitivity after a study abroad  ZFHE, 12(4), 73-93.


Bedenlier, S. & Bruhn-Zaß. E. (Hg.) (2021) The Digital Turn in Internationalization. Konzepte, Strategien und Praktiken. ZFHE 16:2.


Thielsch, A. (2017) Approaching the invisible: Hidden Curriculum, and implicit expectations in higher educationZFHE, 12:4, 167-187.


Verspeeten, A. & Varano, M. (2019) Designing and delivering sustainable Joint Master’s Programmes. EAIE.



Peer Learning – Ein Blick in den Europäischen und globalen Hochschulraum





BMBF (2016) Internationalisierung von Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung - Strategie der Bundesregierung. Bonn: BMBF.


DAAD (Hg.) (2021) Wissenschat weltoffen. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung in Deutschland  Bonn: DAAD . 


Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2022). Internationale Studierende in Deutschland: Perspektiven aus Hochschulforschung und Hochschulpraxis. Bonn: DAAD.


HRK (2018) HRK Expertise-Manual: Internationalisierung der Curricula  Bonn: HRK.


HRK (2019) Zahlen und Daten zur Studienreform (Mythenpapier)  Bonn: HRK.


HRK (2020) Regionale Kooperationen zur Unterstützung internationaler Wissenschaftler_innen. Prozessbeschreibungen aus deutschen Hochschulen. Bonn: HRK.


Otten, M. & Scheitza, A. (2015) Hochschullehre im multikulturellen Lernraum. Studie zur Bestandsaufnahme und Empfehlungen zur Planung hochschuldidaktischer Interventionen. Bonn: Brandt GmbH Druck plus Medien.


Pineda, J., Kercher, J., Falk, S., Thies, T., Yildirim, H. H., & Zimmermann, J. (2022). Internationale Studierende in Deutschland zum Studienerfolg begleiten: Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen aus dem SeSaBa-Projekt (DAAD Studien). Bonn: DAAD.





CIMO (2014) Faktaa. Facts and figures. Hidden competencesHelsinki: Centre for International Mobility.


CIMO (2019) Facts Express 2B/2019: Knowledge, skills and open-mindedness. Helsinki: Centre for International Mobility.


CIMO (2019) Facts Express 3C/2019: Why would I go abroad for in-service training? Helsinki: Centre for International Mobility.


Weimer, L., Hoffman, D. & Silvonen, A. (2019) Internationalisation at home in Finnish higher education institutions and research instituts. Helsinki: Ministry of Education and Culture.





Clarke, M., Hui Yang, L. & Harmon, D. (2018) The Internationalisation of Irish Higher education. Dublin: HEA.


Department of Education and Skills (2016) Irish educated, globally connected  An international education strategy 2016-2020.





NOKUT (2019) Developing educational excellence in higher education: Lessons learned from the establishment and evaluation of the Norwegian Centres for Excellence (SFU) Initiative. Oslo: NOKUT.





Hägg, Emma (2022) What is Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC)? Karolinska Institutet.


Swedish Government Official Reports SOU (2019) Internationalisation of Swedish higher education Institutions.


Stint veröffentlicht regelmäßig Trendanalyasen zur Internationalisierung an Hochschulen: Layout 1 (stint.se)





Studer, P. & Smit, U. (2021) English-medium education in internationalised universities: sketching a way forward. European Journal of Language Policy. 13(2), S. 129-140.





Cushing, D.F. & Pennings, M. (2018) Assessment frameworks and teaching modules that promote student learning in immersive short-term international study experiences  Australian Government: Department of Education and Training.



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